An exhibition focusing on Zhao Mengfu, who was born as the 11th descendant of Song's great ancestor and was used in the former court that destroyed Song.
From the works of the period shortly before Zhao Mengfu, the works of the same period or after that were exhibited.
Zhao Mengfu was born in Huzhou in the south and studied Wang Xizhi's book from an early age. Perhaps because of that, I had the impression that the book was very orthodox.
Many study abroad monks from Japan learned a lot from Zen monks who were disciples of Zhongfeng Ming, but the unique books of Zhongfeng Ming, who are familiar with Japan, were also impressive.
Qianlong, the sixth emperor of the Qing dynasty, liked the book of Zhao Mengfu. The book is truly stunning and seems to be a good representation of what a Chinese prince should be.
The pictures below are written by Zhao Mengfu, Xian Yushu, Zizhen Feng, Zhongfeng Minghon, and Qianlong Emperor.