日本最古の医学書・国宝「医心方」の世界(東京国立博物館) National Treasure Heart of Medicine : The Oldest Medical Text in Japan (Tokyo National Museum)
Ishinpo, the oldest medical book in Japan, compiled by Yasuyori Tamba in 984. An exhibition commemorating the completion of the repair.
The medical mind is a valuable resource that shows how Oriental medicine at that time looked at illness and health. It is a miracle that it remains to this day.
There is no original, and the manuscripts left are from the Heian period, Kamakura period, and Edo period, but most of them are from the Heian period, and their typefaces are very interesting.
Each volume is divided into themes such as the abdomen and head, and details the disease, its causes, and the usage of medicines to deal with it.
The 10th century, when the medical mind was written, is said to be an era when many people became ill due to famine and natural disasters all over Japan. It seems that there was such a background in the birth of this book.
Most of the written content is from medical books brought from China, and some of them are written about Indian knowledge and African drugs.
It was an exhibition that gave me a valuable opportunity to see the whole volume of the medical mind, despite its sober content.